We're what Willis was talkin' about

lynnwood, Washington
This is the story of me and them... the people and things I love!!! I have a rockin' husband and two super smart kids. Life is good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

yesterday and tommorow

It has been too many days since I have blogged. But since yesterdays visit with my cousin, Naoto, (who has lived in San Francisco for a few years now) I've decided I better keep up regularly. I can't believe it has been over 10 years since the last time I saw him. He is super funny, and personable and so...GROWN UP! Mark and I can't wait to go to San Fran to spend a weekend or so with him. We talked about his next visit here too...with a trip to the Experience Music Project our first stop in a long list of things to do in Seattle. He used to live here but was 2 years old or something when my uncle packed up the family and moved to Tokyo. It will be such a treat to have him visit again and he will always have a place to stay when he is here. So Naoto if you are reading this...take the hint ha ha.
Hmmm...what else have we been up to.
1. Mark was gone to Portland for work and saw "Grand Turino" at the $3 movie house. He gave it two thumbs up.
2. The girls have met 2 new childrens authors in the past week. The first was was Trudi Trueit and the other Peter Brown, author of a few books....but widely known as the author of Chowder. Lots of fun to meet them both. They have inspired the girls to write and draw.
3. Dan and Linda are gone to Hawaaii, so I am in charge of Spooky while they are gone. She better not have left me any presents, if you know what I mean.
4. Reading...finished the book "Wolf at the table" and "Beautiful Boy" both of which were really good. Sad, but good. I am now reading an old book "Peyton Place". I am not sure if I like it yet, I need to give it a few more pages.
5. Teacher appreciation week is coming up and we are planning for that. We love our teachers, so we hope to do lots of fun things for them.
6. WASL is in full swing. I won't tell you what I think of that but may quote an old friend..."waste a lot of school learning". Enough said.
7. Beautiful weather. Love it, love it, love it. I think it is going away tommorow so for that I may shed a tear.
8. Ebay. Can you believe what people will pay for stuff sometimes? I wish I had the patience to do it full time. All I am selling so far is the clothes the girls have outgrown and a couple of odds and ends. It's crazy.
9. Work, work, work. We are getting a garden spot ready and I think my mom may have planted the strawberries today.
10. Royal Princess Bunco last friday. It was a ton of fun. We dressed up. I wore glitter in my hair, my curly hair piece, pink tutu, pink boa and felt very girly. Theresa and Becky joined and it turns out that Theresa and H.J. used to work together. H.J. has a son at my girls school and is my hair stylist. It is a small world and I say that more and more these days.
OK, I am exhausted. I stayed up way too late last night watching Paranormal State (did anyone see the one with the wife beater, miner, great grandfather ghost? Freaked me out!!!) and literally slept with the kitchen light on. I thought that Mark coming home at some god-awful hour in the night might make me jump right out of my skin.

1 comment:

Trudi Trueit said...

Hi Jennifer: It was wonderful to meet your girls and you. Thanks for coming to the reading (nothing like a little slime to make life interesting!). Love your blog! Trudi

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