We're what Willis was talkin' about

lynnwood, Washington
This is the story of me and them... the people and things I love!!! I have a rockin' husband and two super smart kids. Life is good.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Celebrating new music

Over on Elsie's blog tonite I read that her boyfriend is going to be on the Tonight show with this group so I have it set to record. I really like finding new music and am happy that Elsie blogged about it. We will be watching the Tonight show on the 15th to enjoy some good music!
I haven't been taking time to blog, I have been sucked into Facebook and getting back to a regular routine now that the kids are back in school. We had a great Christmas and New Years. Our friends, the Kemps, who hosted the New Years party stopped by tonite for a quick visit which was a good surprise. Molly had Girl Scouts and the ever popular treats will be available soon. I am sure you can figure out what I am talking about.
Other than that I went out for Thai food at this great little place in Lynnwood called Talay Thai. We had fun (Tina, Preston, Heather and I) while getting some P.T.A. work done. They are a great group to work with and it is nice to get together for dinner and chatting. A 40th birthday bash is in the works for Preston and it is really going to be a lot of fun. More on that later.

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